At the most fundamental level, trauma causes our electrical system to freeze, and therapeutically applied sound gets it moving again.

Any area where the flow is stuck, inflammation appears. Inflammation is a sign of resistance in our body's electrical system.

Anywhere you have an excess in one place, you end up with a deficiency in others, leading to systemic imbalance and secondary issues.

Gently releasing and guiding the electrical system back into flow with sound increases overall voltage (strength of the circulating current) and stimulates self-healing.

These "hot spots" represent areas of traumatic input/memories stored in standing waves in the biofield. They can be located with a tuning fork because they exhibit a subtle sense of resistance and produce dissonant overtones.

Any place we have resistance in the flow in the body, we have it in the field - and vice versa. Since magnetic fields guide and inform electrical currents, it makes sense to shift the flow from the field instead of the body.

The tuning fork acts as a mirror - to give biofeedback to the body about its state; as a metronome - to help the body find its right rhythm; and as a magnet - guiding the magnetic field back into a state of centeredness.

Biofield Tuning is a sound therapy method that provides targeted nervous system relaxation which can alleviate a wide range of health issues.

Biofield Tuning is based on the premise that the human biofield - the energy field that surrounds and permeates our bodies - is inextricably connected with our conscious and subconscious mind, including all of our memories. All physical, mental and emotional disorders can be perceived as "dissonance" in our energy fields. Biofield Tuning is able to diminish and resolve this dissonance and in doing so, alleviate and even eradicate the corresponding physical, mental and/or emotional symptoms.

Biofield Tuning is not advised for individuals who are extremely ill as it may create a strong healing response in the system. As the body releases tension, any toxins that have been held in constricted tissue are released which has the capacity to produce flu-like symptoms, exhaustion, waves of emotion, loose stools and in extreme cases (very rare) rashes and vomiting. Cancer, pregnancy, palliative care, and pacemakers are contraindicated in Biofield Tuning.

Biofield Tuning Session: 60 minutes $75

Book a Biofield Tuning session.

It is suggested to begin with a series of three sessions, generally once a week.  Very often issues can be resolved or greatly improved within three sessions, but there is no limit to how many sessions one can receive.  Each session builds on the one before it; there are always deeper layers one can address.

Purchase a 3 session bundle. $200

When you choose a bundle, you will receive an email to schedule your sessions.